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Hypnotherapy & NLP

Image by :  Benoit Beaumatin / Unsplash


Hypnotherapy is a safe way to enter the deeper states of relaxation, but to also establish positive beliefs into the subconscious, so that our subconscious would manifest the changes we wish with the least resistance, effortlessly and naturally.

Our behavioral patterns are governed by 95% from our subconscious mind and unless we invite our subconscious to collaborate with our conscious mind, we might face struggles and a lot of resistance. Our subconscious all it wants is to 'protect' us from potential 'dangers', and our job as Akroasis Wellness & Therapy is to work with our clients so we would find the best way to their goals and guide them there.

Akroasis Wellness & Therapy in the hypnotherapy sessions, focuses specifically on matters that concern inner calm, self-confidence, self-belief and goal setting. We use creative and vivid visualizations that help our clients to develop their thought processes and become more imaginative. After all, we are the narrative that we play in our head.

Coaching with NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) studies 3 areas that give it its name : - Neurology, the mind and how we think, - Linguistics, how we use language and how it affects us, - Programming, how we sequence our actions to achieve our goals. An NLP coach can understand the reality of how a client thinks and can use language in a proper way so the client is helped to achieve their goals.

NLP also studies how we form our subjective experience - how we think about our values and beliefs, how we create our emotional states, how we design our internal world and give it meaning.

Imagine you are a film director and you are about to shoot and edit your next movie. You design your storyboard, you create your storyline and in the final stage you are about to choose what feelings you want to leave behind as the echo of your story. NLP allows you to go back and forth in the timeline of your mind and create or re-design your experiences both in the past but also in the now and future.

Where does that help? Well, our body does not know the difference between a thought experience and a real living experience. It responds to both cases as a real living experience. And if someone finds himself in a thinking loop of happiness or struggle, his body will keep responding accordingly. But unfortunately, not everyone finds the way to move from the thought loops of struggle and go into the healthy thinking of joy and happiness.

With NLP and Hypnotherapy together we can now help our clients to identify their goals with clarity and get out of their own way towards their self-actualization.


Book your session here.

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