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Integrative Yoga Therapy

Integrative Yoga Therapy is a therapy system developed by Akroasis Wellness & Therapy and incorporates healing practices such as Restorative Yoga, Breathwork, Hypnotherapy, Massage Therapy and Music Therapy, which aims to bring the Mind, Body and Spirit into restoration and alignment. Such therapeutic practices help the body to slow down and get into its own healing mode. 

Restorative yoga, by definition,  helps the body to decompress and release tension from parts of the body that hold most of the tension. It's a restful practice that uses gravity as an ally, and with the support of blocks, bolsters and blankets we help the practitioners to enter a deep restoration and relaxation state. 

Practicing stillness can be a very powerful integration to a better well-being. 


Breathwork activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for keeping us relaxed and it's our body's "rest and digest" response that brings the whole system into homeostasis. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated, our heart rate and blood pressure lowers and we allow our body to heal and recover. 

Breath is the essence of Life. It's the energy embodied in the physical forms of all living beings which sustains Life. It's actually the first thing we do when we come into this world and the last thing to do before we leave. Therefore, we give the appropriate emphasis on this practice.

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Hypnotherapy is a safe way to enter the deeper states of relaxation, but to also establish positive beliefs into the subconscious, so that our clients would manifest the changes they wish with the least resistance, effortlessly and naturally.

Our behavioral patterns are governed 95% by our subconscious. It invites people and manifests life experiences based on the 'Program' we have established from young ages. Until we have invited our subconscious to collaborate with the conscious mind, we might face struggles and a lot of resistance when we are about to make important life changes. Our subconscious all it wants is to 'protect' us from potential 'dangers', and our job as Akroasis Wellness & Therapy is to stand by our clients in those vulnerable moments and support them to feel safe and secure, and that the changes we are about to make together are for the best.

Akroasis Wellness & Therapy in the hypnotherapy sessions, focuses specifically on matters that concern inner calm, self-confidence, self-belief and goal setting. We use creative and vivid visualizations that help our clients to develop their thought processes and become more imaginative. After all, we are the narrative that we play in our head.


Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing practices. Many ancient civilizations - including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians - were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments. 

In our therapy system we incorporate some basic massage techniques mainly on the feet, on the abdomen area and around the neck and head, as our client lies down, a little before the hypnotherapy session. We noticed that it's a practice which really helps our clients to get into a deep state of relaxation before even the hypnotherapy starts.

The targeted massage on those three parts on the body help the head/neck area to soften and allow the healing energy to flow downwards to the abdomen where all the emotional tension and stress lies. By unblocking the abdomen area we allow the flow to go further down to the legs and feet so the grounding would take place after the therapy session.


​Music activates all the brain centers simultaneously and therefore makes us more aware of our body. It literally awakens our consciousness and helps us bring areas of the subconscious to the conscious mind. In our Integrative Yoga Therapy we design our own Music Journeys that consist of orchestral music by famous contemporary and film score composers.

The Music Journey is a designed audio experience which takes the listener inwards, to journey through phases of emotions, inspiration and motivation. The experience helps the listener to reduce negative thinking, unlock the creative capacity of the mind and strengthen the mind/body connection. It awakens the emotional body and assists the listeners to release unwanted energy, and make space for healing and therefore initiate spiritual maturity and growth.


Akroasis Wellness & Therapy offers an integration of these healing practices in our sessions which provides a deep and profound inner healing, promoting a state of mental and physical relaxation and rejuvenation.  More benefits such as :

  • Increased relaxation 

  • Better sleep

  • Improved well-being

  • Enhanced oxygenation

  • Sustained elevated mood

  • Physical flexibility

  • Reduced pain 

  • Emotional, Mental & Physical Balance

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