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The Music Journey

The Music Journey is a designed audio experience that consists of orchestral music by famous contemporary and film score composers. The music in combination with natural sounds, is structured as a sequence to form a narrative which takes the listener inwards, to journey through phases of emotions, inspiration and motivation. The experience helps the listener to reduce negative thinking, unlock the creative capacity of the mind and strengthen the mind/body connection. It awakens the emotional body and assists the listeners to release unwanted energy, and make space for healing and therefore initiate spiritual maturity and growth.

Solsidus Law Nicosia

The Music Journey starts with breathing exercises to oxygenate the body and bring deep relaxation. We then invite our participants to relax in the resting position, lying down on the floor for a short guided meditation for relaxation,
In this position we allow the physical body to get into rest mode and we let our brain to go into the sleeping phases, entering the Theta and Delta brainwave states. During those states the deep healing starts to take place in the body, our nervous system starts to recover and at the same time we have a small window of opportunity to consciously access our subconscious mind just a little before we fall asleep.

With the music experience following next the listener goes through altered state of consciousness.

Akroasis Music Journey
The experience

As The Music Journey unfolds through the session, the music keeps the listeners from falling asleep and during those moments the conscious mind bridges with the subconscious, which sometimes brings vivid images and scenes to awareness, like being in a vivid lucid dream state. Other times the experience is more bodily related than visually. Goosebumps is a common response especially around the head and the crown chakra, on the shoulders, on the back and arms. Some other times participants fall asleep and that's totally fine.
Our body always knows better. 

Most importantly The Journey awakens the emotions stored in the body, and therefore we advise that our listeners take the time to open up emotionally, allow their emotions to release and let them flow freely without restrictions, just like a water stream. Expressing our emotions we let go of any unwanted energy or blocks that were stored inside our system, perhaps for years and only then we can allow our body to recover and for our psyche to find its ease.

As The Music Journey comes to its end, we guide our listeners through a guided comeback meditation of another 5-10 minutes and gradually direct them to come to a total state of consciousness.

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When The Journey is over, we can discuss any experiences our participants had during the session and we encourage that they speak freely and express their experience, but also that they keep a journal through writing or sketching. Due to the deep relaxation and big amount of sonic information received during the session, we advise our listeners that they take the rest of the evening to stay relaxed and in quiet environment and rest well so the nervous system would utilize this experience accordingly.

Below we offer you a free download demo from our Music Journey collection so you can get a sense of the type of music we use in our sessions and how it is structured. To fully gain its benefits use a good pair of headphones and lie on your bed and close your eyes. There are a couple of minutes with only ocean waves at the beginning to use that time for some relaxed breathing before the music starts.
Close your eyes, focus on your heart area, breathe in from your belly and breathe out slowly. 

Relax and enjoy!

The equipment
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In our sessions we use wireless headphones in an effort to provide our listeners with an experience which becomes more personal and private. All listeners go through the same Music Journey but the use of headphones reduces any environmental sounds and noises, a fact that allows the students to stay on their internal journey without interferences. Each headset can be adjusted to fit securely, and with the individual volume adjustment, everyone can enjoy the music at the preferable volume.
There are moments where our participants want to get up and move around or drink some water. Their movement around in the space becomes less noticeable now with the use of the headphones. 


The use of headphones helps the participants to become more relaxed, knowing that nothing will take them out of their journey and as a result they are more open into receiving any kind of experience the Music Journey has to offer. With our equipment we are now more flexible and versatile and we are able to form any arrangement within any space / venue or outdoors that would make the students feel more comfortable and relaxed. 

The Benefits of Music

​Music activates all the brain centers simultaneously and therefore makes us more aware of our body. It literally awakens our consciousness and helps us bring areas of the subconscious to the conscious mind. The Music Journey workshop offers a multidimensional experience which can be a start point for individuals who seek to learn more about :


  • Stress Management

  • Deal with mind and negative thoughts

  • Mindfulness, Breathing & Meditation styles

  • Awareness & Mind/Body connection

  • Law of Attraction

  • Purpose of Life

  • Finding Balance


Aside the benefits of the healing energies of music, learning mindfulness meditation will give you strategies to overcome stress, and lead to better physical, mental and spiritual health. The benefits of music and meditation are supported by scientific research and can help prevent many physical diseases. ​Studies show that participants who spent just 13 minutes listening to music :


  • 79% had reduced muscle tension

  • 89% had improved energy levels

  • 91% felt relief from sadness and had emotional release

  • 81% got clarity of mind


The powers that can be communicated to earth by means of music are yet scarcely suspected by the average individual.


But the time is fast approaching when man will select his music with the same intelligent care and knowledge he now uses to select his food.


When that time comes, music will become a principal source of healing for many individual and social ills, and human evolution will be tremendously accelerated.

- Esoteric Music, Corinne Heline

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