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The natural healing state of our being as humans is the state of Love. Anything that comes out to the rest of the world from the state of Love, heals, nurtures and nourishes. Love connects and strengthens all that is. For us to provide to others those healing states, we must be first able to sustain those states in our selves and towards our selves. And from that state we fulfill, we expand and we share those healing capacities with others.

The moment we choose to turn our attention inwards, towards ourselves, it's the moment where we start the healing process. We start to bring healing energy in our system, in our container called 'the body'. But, as we mentioned above, we have to train ourselves to direct and redirect our focused attention inwards when it comes down to the healing processes.

Akroasis Wellness & Therapy provides one-on-one therapeutic sessions which aim to help our clients to reconnect with their inner and essential part and unlock their own healing capacity. Our therapy system includes an integration of healing practices which aim to the achievement of our clients' better physical, emotional and mental health.


Image by :  Zac Durant / Unsplash

In our one-on-one sessions we include a combination Massage & Craniosacral Therapy, Restorative Yoga, Breathwork and Yoga Nidra. Our therapy system activates the removal of stiffness in the myoskeletal system and it gives an enhanced blood circulation in the entire body, which allows better oxygenation to take place. It realigns the body and it helps it enter into a natural detox process, allowing any negative vibrations to go out of the body.

It also activates the parasympathetic system which is responsible for our 'Rest & Digest' state and allows us to relax even deeper and bring it back to its natural healing state.  Furthermore, in our therapy system we help our clients to go through a guided mindfulness process which allows them to develop better mental health and strength.


Image by :  S Migaj / Unsplash

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