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Image by :  Michael Olsen / Unsplash

Breath is the essence of Life. It is the energy embodied in the physical forms of all living beings which sustains Life. It's actually the first thing we do when we come into this world and the last thing to do before we leave. Spending few minutes everyday to practice mindful breathing can bring huge benefits in your day. As the physical exercises train the body's flexibility and strength, breathwork trains the Psyche's / Soul flexibility and strength, but also breathwork is what bridges all three elements that sustain a Human Being in a balanced living, Mind, Body and Spirit.

Mindful breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for keeping us relaxed and it's our body's "rest and digest" system. When the parasympathetic nervous system is activated our heart rate and blood pressure lowers and as a result we allow our body to remain in the healing and recovery state. Staying in the relaxed state, we also become more creative and we attract positive events in our life.

Practicing mindful breathing decreases habitual negative thinking, which can be common in people with depression. The more one practices mindful breathing the more automatic this feature becomes and eventually, in stressful situations, one can handle emotions by initiating deep breathing as a reflex response. For such response to take place in emergency moments, the body and mind must be trained on a daily basis for at least 6 months.


There are breathing exercises that cause altered states of consciousness. Such exercises were developed by psychiatrists Stanislav and Christina Grof in the 1970s as a potential therapeutic tool named Holotropic Breathwork. HB involves progressions in breathing patterns with increases in speed and capacity of air which aim to influence your mental, emotional and physical states, and is a practice which is derived from a spiritual framework. Nevertheless, each person's experience is unique, self-directed, and unfolds on its own as the practice progresses.


Image by :  Brett Jordan / Unsplash

In our Music Journey sessions we guide the participants through basic and advanced breathing techniques that bring relaxation to the body, rebalancing the CO2 and Oxygen ratio, keeping the body on a good pH level. 
Practicing breathwork can be harmful if not practiced with proper guidance and with the right facilitators. If you are an independent practitioner exploring these techniques, practice with safety.

Book your session Here.

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